EvaEngine Quick Start ==================================== EvaEngine is a PHP5 & Zend Framework 2.0 based development engine which is still **under developing**. Our goal is make EvaEngine to the best way to create your own custom website or webservice. Features -------- Real Module Based ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every feature is an independent module in EvaEngine. What you need is just pick out features when you need them. You could combine different modules into various websites : blog, social networking SNS, E-commerce or anything you want. Everything is RESTFul ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In EvaEngine, everything is designed by RESTFul style, you could build up a RESTFul webserice easily. Plugins and Customize ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EvaEngine is complete follow Zend Framework 2.0 code standards, it make developers easy to add features and install 3rd-part modules. Installation ------------- Get source code from github ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mkdir evaengine cd evaengine git clone git://github.com/AlloVince/eva-engine.git git submodules update --init Create mysql db tables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create a database "eva" (or any name you want), run sql query file in this database evaengine/data/database/eva.sql Connect database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create EvaEngine local config file by: evaengine/config/autoload/local.config.php Write config file as below and change the username/password to yours: array( 'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=eva;hostname=localhost', 'username' => 'dbusername', 'password' => 'dbpassword', ), 'superadmin' => array( 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '123456', ), ); Bind local domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bind a local domain local.evaengine (or anything you want) to path evaengine/public Then visit the local domain http://local.evaengine . Example --------- Check a blog made by EvaEngine: http://avnpc.com/ Blog source code is here: https://github.com/AlloVince/eva-engine/tree/avnpc Resources --------- Contact author AlloVince by his [blog](http://avnpc.com/) or email i#av2.me(replace # to @) .